Thursday, November 16, 2006

Dating for Pretentious Weirdos

I confess -- for me, and plenty of other nerds out there, someone with an impressive "educational pedigree" totally goes up several notches in attractiveness. And now, we've got Internet resources!

Dating Sites:
( -- free, and with tests, quantitative comparisons, etc.
( -- expensive.
( -- free.

IvyGateBlog: Online Dating for Pretentious Weirdos -- an article about some of the "discerning singles." hehe
Hey, Baby -- what's your IQ?" -- JDate vs. DateSmartPeople.

Hey, Baby -- how can I know so many digits of pi and not the digits of your phone number?


Monday, November 13, 2006

Weird Al + Eminem

haha Weird Al gets really edgy in this interview.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Top 50 Physics Pick-Up Lines

1. Hey baby. It's massive. You know what I'm talking about.
2. What's your resonance frequency?
3. Your lab bench, or mine?
4. Don't you hate it how the coyote always remains suspended in midair until he looks down? It's just SO misleading.
5. Your eyes have a perfect wavelength of 563.4 nm.
6. Wanna couple our equations tonight?
7. I'm attracted to you like the Earth is attracted to the Sun-with a large force inversely proportional to the distance squared.
8. Might I integrate your curves tonight?
9. I'm hung like a Foucault pendulum.
10. Two large masses that are close together are supposed to radiate gravitational waves. I think that you're a big part of that.
11. Einstein had great hair, didn't he? I just love your hair.
12. I know the spring constant for my mattress. Wanna take some data?
13. I haven't gotten laid in 4 years, 3 months, and 12 days, plus-or-minus 2 days. Would you care to check my error bars?
14. What's that great perfume? Vacuum grease?
15. I love you. Please don't turn away from me just because I'm a physics major. Oh, okay, I'll leave.
16. A freak lab explosion left me with this 16-inch penis.
17. You're more special than relativity.
18. Those other guys said that your eyes shine like stars. But can they explain how they shine with equal brightness? Oh, okay. I'll leave.
19. Top quark or bottom quark?
20. Bartender, bring this fine lady a Scotch and H2O. Hey baby, that's just my way of saying Scotch and Water. You like?
21. That dress would look even better accelerating towards my bedroom floor at 9.8 m/s2
22. Yes I do like to move fast. My style is like a 10 GeV accelerator. Do you like my style?
23. I have E=mc2 tattooed on my ass. Wanna see?
24. I have e=nhf tattooed somewhere else. Wanna see?
25. Wanna dance? I can really put your inertia in motion.
26. Most women are so complex. They're always like"i! i! i!" But you- you're just so real.
27. Let's exchange fermions!
28. Even the O2 you exhale is fiz-ine!!!
29. I might be a physics major, but I'm no Bohr in bed.
30. Can I have your significant digits?
31. Hey baby, what's your sine?
32. Heisenberg was wrong. I'm certain about what you're doing tonight.
33. Wanna expand my polynomial?
34. Like the ideal vacuum, you're the only thing in my universe. No, it's alright, I'll just go over there.
35. You and Me = Grand Unification
36. I saw your empty valence shell from way over there. Did I mention that my nickname is Sodium?
37. My friends told me that I should ask you out because you can't differentiate. Do you need math help?
38. I'll make you dinner. I'll make you breakfast. But in between, we'll have to have some dessert. And I'm a physics major.
39. How much do you charge? My paper-grading job doesn't pay a lot.
40. Your smile is warmer than hydrogen plasma.
41. Engineers don't know the first thing about pleasing a woman. Friction alone can't get the job done.
42. My last partner wasn't very stable. She spontaneously decayed last week and left me for a neutrino. Bitch.
43. I could get you Roahn Winer's autograph.
44. How do you feel about group experiments?
45. I got a pocket full of radium and my homeboys do too.
46. Would a loser be able to recite pi out to 50 decimal places? Huh? Would he? Oh, okay. I'll leave.
47. In my bed, it's perpetual motion all night long, baby.
48. I swear I'm not a physics major.
49. Does your skin feel burnt? Because I think you must have just fallen down from heaven, and re-entry would have caused some problems for you.
50. You make me want to be a better physicist.

The Movie Trailor Guy

From and Andy:

Tuesday, October 31, 2006


From my friend's Wii blog:

What did the hot dogs say to each other on October 31st?
Happy HalloWEENIE! :oD

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Halloween: Sexy Girls Costume Warehouse

Sexy Girls Costume Warehouse
Video from FA:

...Sexy witch. Sexy devil. Sexy cat. Sexy Abe Lincoln.
...Sexy 1900s steel conglomerate tycoon.

...and frog.

Some Cheap Halloween Costume Ideas

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

White and Nerdy

This morning, I woke up to "White and Nerdy" on the radio.

Weird Al: "White and Nerdy" -- it's parody of "Ridin' Dirty".
If you haven't seen it already, here's the video:
(or, for the video and the lyrics:

Downloadable Here:
(AND it was on the TOP FIVE on Mix 106.5 tonight. :-D)

(MIT!) and PING PONG! and PI! :)

...Er... and I'd thought that the equation in the background stemmed from the photoelectric effect. Hydrogen electrons. BUT... Shimon pointed out that it's actually from Schroedinger. Woohoo! :)

Rock On.
\m/ (><) \m/
(from stefan :))

Friday, October 06, 2006


hahaha I wish I'd thought of this idea: DateSmartPeople.Com
Their "Philosophy":
Your dating options shouldn't be limited because you're an intelligent and well-educated single, or are looking for one.

At, anyone who appreciates intelligence is invited to join, and you can choose how exclusive to be with SmartSearch.

I was actually looking through MIT's Admissions Blog and found this link to "Intelligent Turn-Ons":

Not a suuuuuper article, but I especially love the last sentence of the second paragraph (my dream date!) and the mention of nerdy pick-up lines. Which /would/ work on me. But...

hehe ^_^

Doonesbury + MIT

According to Doonesbury, the best ideas come in the shower:

This Doonesbury + MIT linkage might've been mentioned before, but here's a list of stuff+:

1. Due to voracious hacking, Alex Doonesbury is at MIT.
The hack even made the wikipedia page:

2. Also, Kim (Alex's stepmom) also went to MIT. (She's hawtt and smartt.)

3. To find today's comic:

4. The most recent MIT series starts from here:
Media Studies! And the HASS lottery!
And hacks:

5. And... something completely different: "The Net is only as strong as ...The Geekest Link!"

MIT pride! :)

Monday, September 25, 2006

Girl Archer

Girl Archer:
(From Fort Awesome list.)

Also, apparently:
Beer = เบิยรคิ = ビール = 酒

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Fluid Dancing: David Elsewhere

Ohmig... Thanks to Juny for showing me this guy:

The Famous VW Golf Commerical:
(W/ Gene Kelley edited in, probably via blue screen.)

Kollaboration 2001:
(He's the white guy, I think. Does he have any joints?)

Elsewhere Remix:
(With Kollaboration 2001, 2004, and a few commercials.)

David Elsewhere: B-roll
(I like the white socks and the velociraptor/chicken walk.)

Pepsi Samba Commercial
(Nifty idea. Way to go, Pepsi!)

OyeMag Interview
(With video clip.)


A website w/ lots of dancing:
And specifically Elsewhere:

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Zidane Game
Head Butt your way to Victory! =b

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Best of Craigslist: Eat an Apple, Date a Nerd

One of my favorite CL posts. I want a nerd of my own... :)

Why Geeks and Nerds Are Worth It...

Date: 2005-04-03, 9:30PM PDT

In the wide world of dating, there are many options. Do you go for the flashy guy with the smooth smile, or the dude in the corner typing away on his laptop? The following are reasons why I think my fellow females should pay more attention to the quiet geeks and nerds, and less attention to the flashy boys.

1.) While geeks and nerds may be awkward, they’re well-meaning 9 out of 10 times. That smooth dude with the sly grin and the spider hands? Wonder what HIS intentions are... plus, I’ve never had a geek guy not call me when he said he would. Score major points THERE.

2.) They’re useful. In this tech-savvy world, it’s great to have a b/f who can make your laptop, desktop, and just about anything else that plugs into a wall behave itself.

3.) They’re more romantic than they’re given credit for. Ok true, their idea of romance might be to make up a spiffy web-page with all the reasons why they love you, with links to pics of you and sonnets and such... but hey. It lasts longer than flowers, plus you can show your friends.

4.) Due to their neglected status, there are plenty to choose from. You like ‘em tall and slender? There are plenty of geeks/nerds who are. You like ‘em smaller with more meat on their bones? Got that too.

5.) They’ve got brains. Come on now, how can intelligence be a bad thing?

6.) Most are quite good at remembering dates. Like birthdates and such, especially if they know it’ll make you happy. Due again to their neglected status, they’re more attentive than guys who “have more options”. Plus, with all that down time without a steady girlfriend, they’ll likely have mental lists of all the things they’d love to do once they GOT a girlfriend.

7.) Sex. Yep. Sex. I’m not really familiar with this myself, but I’ve friends who’ve been intimate with geek guys and it’s raves all around. They say a virgin wrote the Kama Sutra... all that time thinking about sex, imagining sex, dreaming about sex, (they are male after all) coupled with a desire to make you happy? Use your imagination.

8.) They’re relatively low-maintenance. Most can be fueled on pizza, Twinkies and Mt Dew. No complicated dinners needed here, so if you’re not the best cook, eh. Can you order a pizza?

9.) Most frequent bars as often as slugs frequent salt mines. You won’t have to worry much about your geek guy getting his “groove” on with club hotties because, frankly, he’ll be too busy rooting around under his computer wondering where that spare cable went. You won’t have to worry about him flirting with other women because, 9 out of 10 times, he’ll zip right by them in a perfect b-line towards the nearest electronics store. I’ve seen this happen.
Me: “Eww. Victoria Secret’s Models... They’re so skinny. How is that feminine? You can see her ribs!”
Geek Guy: “ooooooo...”
Me: “Hey!” *notices he is staring lustfully towards the computer store*
Geek Guy: “What?”
Me: “Never mind...”

10.) Although he may not want to go to every outing with you, you can arrange swaps, as in, you’ll go to his Gamer Con dressed as an elf princess if he’ll take you to the ballet. Plus, if he doesn’t want to go someplace with you, you won’t have to worry much about what he’s up to. You’ll probably come home to find him asleep on his keyboard in a sea of Mt. Dew cans with code blinking from the screen. It’s ok. He’s used to this. Just toss a blanket over him and turn out the light.

11.) His friends aren’t jerks. I can’t stress this enough. You’ll more likely get “Omg! A GIRL!! Can I see?!” than “Hey hot stuff back that ass up here and let me get some grub on...” They’re awkward geeks too and will, 9 times out of 10, treat you with the utmost respect and, more than likely, a note of awe. A cute girl picked one of their clan to date? It could happen to them! Hope! Drag some of your single girlfriends over, open up a pack of Mt. Dew, crack open the DnD set and get working. Nothing impresses geek guys more than a girl who can hack-n-slash (well ok maybe if she can code... a geek can dream).

12.) They’re rarely if ever possessive. They trust you, so you can be yourself around them. You like to walk around the house in a ratty t-shirt for comfort? He won’t care. He does too! They won’t get pissy if you don’t wear make-up or don’t want to bother primping your hair. If you gain a few pounds, they won’t try their best to make you feel like crap.

13.) They’re usually very well educated. Physics majors and the like. See #5. You won’t have to listen to him blathering on about his car (ok maybe a little), he’ll have loads of other interesting things to talk about. Politics, world events, how much the chicken burgers down at the local place rock, so long as you douse them in hot sauce...

14.) You’ll almost never have to hear, “Yaw dawg whazzap!!” plop out of their mouths. Unless it’s in jest. They spell properly, use correct punctuation, and are able to tell the difference between the toilet and the floor. They almost never get “wasted”, so you won’t have to worry about coming home to find him and his friends passed out on the floor amidst a pile of beer bottles. Mt. Dew cans, perhaps...

15.) And the final reason why geeks and nerds make great boyfriends: They actually give a damn about you. Not how you look (though that’s a plus), not how skinny you are, not how much make-up you primp yourself up with, but they like you for you. That kind of thing lasts longer than “DaMN baby you got a fine ass!!!” Believe me.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Jackson Pollock

From Juny:

Clicking will change colors. Mmm...
Arbitrary Art. :)

Monday, June 19, 2006

Hopkins URLs: Admin and Acad Life in Baltimore

This is a list of useful administrative URLs for fellow Hopkins Neuroengineering Trainees. (Continually updated.) I just posted a copy on the Neuroengineering Training Initiative Blog.

[Last update: 5/19/06]

Raymond Cheong's Site

Aiyah.Org: Issel's Collection


Useful URLs for [Biomedical Engineering] Graduate Students @ Johns Hopkins


JHU Department of Biomedical Engineering

JHU BME Research Areas

Johns Hopkins

Johns Hopkins Medical Institutes (JHMI)

Hopkins Medicine Student Home Page

Blackboard: JHMI Coursework

Johns Hopkins Enterprise Directory (JHED)

Neuroengineering Training Program

JHMI Academic Calendar

JHMI Academics

JHU Office of the Registrar (Homewood)

BME PhD Coursework

Johns Hopkins University Medical Book Center


JHU Pay Stub Information for Direct Deposit

JHU Registrar Services and Bill

Hopkins Student Employment Services

Hopkins Professional Development Office (through the School of Public Health )

Hopkins Medicine News / Webnotes


JHU Housing and Dining Services

JHU Off-Campus Housing

Baltimore Crime-Mapping

Live in Baltimore (useful info for living in Baltimore ) (neighborhoods + map)

Baltimore City iMap (lists crime, neighborhoods, roads)

On-Campus Housing at Reed Hall

Commercial Apartment Housing Info

Renter's Guide from Mary Pirg

Listings and Classifieds

City Paper Classifieds

JHU Gazette

Baltimore Sun Classfieds

GRO Forum

Baltimore Craigslist

JHMI Market Place


JHU Shuttles

Shuttle Services

Homewood-JHMI Shuttle

Hopkins Hospital Campus Map

Homewood Campus Parking Map

Hopkins Medicine Parking

Maryland Public Transportation (bus, subway, light rail, MARC train)



Raymond Cheong's Website

JHU PhD Council

Graduate Representative Organization (GRO)

GRO Guide

GRO Guide to Living in Baltimore

Information Technology: Wireless Coverage on Hopkins Campuses

The Daily Jolt, Hopkins Chapter

Activities & Entertainment

JHMI Graduate Student Newsletter: Restriction Digest

JHU Promotions and Discounts

JHMI Cooley Center (Med Campus Gym)

Homewood Ralph S. O'Connor Recreation Center (Homewood Campus Gym)

GSA Baltimore Dining and Entertainment Guide

Class of 2008 Guide to Baltimore

Places to Eat and Study
(By Jessica Perniciaro, Gina Westhoff, Rush Chewning)

GSA Student Life

SOM Student Life

BME Student Life
(A bit outdated.)

Student Activities and Organizations


IRS Tax Information for Students,,id=96780,00.html

IRS Form 1040ES for Estimated Taxes

Maryland State Tax Information

Maryland Form 502D for Estimated Taxes

MRI Overview from RIT

An overview about MRI from RIT:

(Probably should also put this on the NETI blog.)

Table Tennis Game

Courtesy of the Hopkins Table Tennis Club:

The Dreidel Game

I actually found this b/c my MRI reading said, "When Is a Proton Just Like a Dreidle?" and I was wondering if the spelling was "Dreidel" or "Dreidle."

In any case -- play The Dreidel Game at Judaism 101! :)

hehe ^_^

Tuesday, June 13, 2006


This bird can imitate cameras, chainsaws, and car alarms! :)

Ecological Footprint

An ecological footprint quiz, comparing people via energy usage.

Tekken, with Humans

(I think I've been playing too much Dead or Alive lately. But Tekken, Street Fighter, wushu, etc. Awesome stuffs!) :)

Friday, June 09, 2006

My Trig

From "My Humps" by the Black Eyed Peas --> "My Trig" by Ian, my sister's friend from Governor's School for the Visual and Performing Arts.

Goodness. White guys who go to UVA must have this innate ability to wriggle their arses. haha Perhaps there's hope for graduating high schoolers these days, after all. :-p ;)

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Tips for Having Sex -- for the first time, equipment, etc.

Q18: Having sex for the first time -- should I lose my virginity?

(Quite detailed, with a lot of links to various allusions.)

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Fortune Cookie --> Image

Hey, Baby...
on a Fortune Cookie.

Super Immuno Bros. in MHC World

From Gary, one of my med student classmates:

hehehehehehe ^_^

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Shave Everywhere!
Brought to you via Norelco, Philips, and a smiling guy with a bunch of fruit and veggies. =b Especially entertaining is the demo on "Where to Shave." hehe ^_^

Thanks, Paul and Jun. =b

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Last.FM and Threadless Sale!

Courtesy of Jun:
Last.FM / My Most Recent Playlist:

Also, Threadless is having a sale! $10 Tshirts till 5/8:


From a MySpace Bulletin:
(I'm a Cancer.)

What the signs are like in BED!


Jan 21 - Feb 19
Ruling Planet: URANUS. The God of unexpected sexual twists and turns
Aquarians make much better friends than lovers, but ! when a t typical
Aquarian gets some bang-bang, it's more an intellectual experience than
an emotional one. Looks aren't important to Aquarians in a relationship,
it's the mind and spirit of a lover that turns Aquarius on.They are very
entertaining in bed and are probably the most inventive of all the signs.
Mental stimulation is more important to them than physical, which means
that pornography gets them hot! Aquarians are impatient and like sex to be
fast and satisfying. They are very particular about hygiene and
contraception and sleeping around holds little interest for them.

Mutual masturbation.

A Dildo. Whether gay, straight, male or female, Aquarians will have some
fun with this.

He has amazing staying power in the sack. He can keep at it and control
himself for as long as it takes for YOU to finish! He's up for anything
too. Role playing, S&M, posing nude in the backyard at 5am* he's just
not into 3somes, swinging or open relationships if YOU are involved.
He'll do that for fun, but not with the love of his life.

She's looking for a lover who will be upfront with her, but until she
finds him, she will make do with whoever is available. LOVE freaks her
out. She likes keeping her emotions under tight control and may come
across as cold, but she's just protecting herself.

Lie down as if you are top and tailing and gently tickle and stroke the
ankles and the calves. Don't tickle for giggles, but tease. After
awhile, do the same with your tongue. Lick up, down and all around.
Anywhere above the foot and below the knee is fair game. Lightly nip
the ankle of your Aquarian, they may laugh, but it's not laugh! er from
tickles, it's a release of tension that will most definitely lead to
some action!


Feb 20 - March 20
Ruling Planet: NEPTUNE
The God in charge of delicious dreams, dangerous deceptions and sexual
fantasies Sexually speaking, Pisces is putty in your hands. Anything you
want, anything, is only a question away. If you're looking for someone who
will go the extra mile to discover all your secret moan zones, then
Pisces is for you! When a typical Piscean makes out, it's an act of
romance rather than pure pleasure. Pisces is the sign of love itself.
They are so romantic and want satin sheets and candles, poetry and a
full moon. Music also gets them in the mood. One of their least
appetizing traits is their ability to become very, very jealous.
Sometimes they are so scared of losing the fairy-tale romance that they
ruin the happy ending themselves.

Pisces is all about Oral affections!

A copy of the Kama Sutra, since your fish is into almost anything

He is romantic and has the reputation of being a womanizer. The
girlfriend of a Piscean man should keep her eye on the ball as he can
be a bit flighty.But he does make an excellent lover. He's from the old
school that sex should be an almost out of body experience, and if he's
showering his attentions on you, you're in for a hell of a good ride!

She needs romance. It's the very air that she breathes. She needs to be
held gently and whispered sweet nothings to but when it comes to
between the sheets action, she's never happy doing the same ol', same ol'
when she knows there are more exciting options at hand.

The Pisces Zesty-zone is their feet! If you want to make Pisces your
Love Slave, start with a warm, scented footbath and soak their feet for
10 minutes. Then sit in front of them, cross-legged, and rub their feet
firmly through the water. Use kneading motions that run from their ankles
to the tips of their toes. After 5 minutes, get a scrub brush and clean
their tootsies with lots of TLC, dry them off and lightly massage
peppermint oil all over their feet, paying close attention to between
their toes. Pisces REALLY gets off on this! Once oiled up, gently kiss
each toe, one by one. Then let your tongue take over and you're in

March 21-April 20

Ruling Planet: MARS
The bonk now/think later God of War, aggression and action!
Sexually, Aries is an explosion waiting to happen! The excitement is often in the chase more than the actual conquest though and while they may appear to want to dominate, they do not want a submissive partner.
Routine brings boredom to sex for Aries, so if you're only comfortable with the missionary position, go for another sign, but if you like forceful personalities and enjoy pretending you're a human Twistie, then you've found paradise with an Aries.

Always on top and always in charge

Handcuffs! Like I said, Aries likes to take charge!

The Aries male is loud, domineering and 100% stud! He's from the bump n grind school of lovemaking so if you're looking for romantic dinners by candlelight and long walks on the beach, keep looking! He's the original 5-minute man (This "5 minute" time message does not apply to Dragon) so if you're turned on by ultra-macho grunt-and-groaning types, you've just found your ticket to heaven! He's not prone to cheat unless you bore him in bed and he likes sex fast and furious baby!

She views sex as more of a physical act than something from a soppy romance novel. If you're a bored exec and want to find out what it's like to be treated like a piece of meat, then go for a one night stand with an Aries chick. She'll be gone before you wake up and may not remember your namethe next time you meet. She's got a touch of KINK to her personality so don't get freaked out when she talks dirty or puts you over her knee for a spanking. She's all woman, but are you man enough to handle her?

If you want to seduce an Aries, running your fingers through their hair is an awesome starting point! And licking and nibbling around their face or neck will get them going too! Just be careful to keep your saliva at bay. Drool is not cool!

April 21 - May 21

Ruling Planet: VENUS
The Goddess in charge of love, beauty and sex Taureans are ahead of the game when it comes to love coz they are ruled by VENUS, the planet of Love! Taurus has all the qualities a lover desires, including sensuality, loyalty and faithfulness.When a typical Taurus makes love, it's the most physical and natural pleasure in the world. They believe the romantic approach to
sex almost always pays off so they will happily cook dinner, buyflowers, and light candles for someone they wanna bang. They don't like to rush things and take everything, including sex, slowly.

The one Taurus enjoys most is the Missionary. Some may say this is so unadventurous, but Taurus is very practical and this is the most comfortable.

A battery powered "erotic massager"

The Taurean man needs a woman who will want to stay home to eat and make love. He can be stubborn and is known to sulk like a little boy, but he LOVES making up!! (Rrrrow!) He likes to take things slow and gently and can last for hours, always waiting for HER to finish before rolling over to sleep.

She is great at back massages and sex in general. She makes an art of lovemaking.Just kissing her can bring some men to the big "O". Her touch is gentle and tender, it excites and caresses and when in the mood, she too can go for hours at a time, days on end.

There's nothing Taurus enjoys more than having their neck kissed and their earlobes nibbled.Light, feathery caresses up and down the neck followed by gentle licks, no biting, will make a female writhe with delight and a male stand at attention within seconds.


May 22 - June 21
Ruling Planet: MERCURY
The swiftest God in the skies, who also happens to be in charge of
ultr-extreme raunchy talk Talking about sex is Gemini's favourite hobby and
doing it comes a close second.Gemini 's love flirting and lap up attention
from the opposite sex, but sometimes that's all they're looking for.They
need a lot of variety when it comes to sex - dirty weekends away, a quickie
in a shop doorway, serious groping under the table at a fancy restaurant. A
lot of Gemini's are bisexual too and can often be drawn to those of the
same sex.

As long as it's different every time, they're not fussy, but if they
must choose, it's that naughty number right after 68, since they can
come up for air if they need to.

Any illustrated book about kinky sex, so Gemini can pick up some wild,
new ideas

He likes to give AND receive and can be quite inventive.
He's a lights on, in front of the mirror kinda guy and if you make a
few subtle noises and talk a wee bit dirty, he'll be very happy.

She is more interested in IQ than private parts. If she can't respect
the intellect, then satisfaction is not possiblefor her. She may sleep
around forever and never find her true love and she is not the most
faithful of the signs. She likes sex on the run, in an airplane toilet,
in the storeroom at work, in the backseat of a car*.

Focus on the shoulders, arms and legs of a Gemini and you're headed for
the good books. They love a good massage and their hands are so
sensitive that even having their fingernails played with sends shivers
up their spine! Kiss up and down each of your Gemini's arms, sneak in a
few licks, nips and nibbles. If you get one or two yelps, then you know
you're doing something right.then, move onto the fingers, slowly kiss,
lick, nip and nibble each fingertip, then pull out the killer move -
suck on each finger, slowly, as if it's a lollipop. I'll almost offer a
money back guarantee on this one working!


June 22 - July 23
Ruling Planet: THE MOON
Which isn't a planet at all but the satellite responsible for this
water sign's many mood swings! Love and sex go together for Cancer. They
need to feel secure in love before they can relax in sex and Cancer often
feels a little bit guilty after doing the deed because they usually
associate sex with babies, especially the women, who either get pregnant at
the drop of a hat or take longer than usual. All Cancers WANT to be
parents!Cancers become sexually excited when they feel secure. They are
turned on by home cooked meals and partners who love kids. In so many ways,
Cancer is the dream partner!

Any position that's comfortable and involves Cancer lying flat on their
back with all their sensitive areas exposed!

A drink or joint that will relax the overly-cautious crab!

He is a sensitive lover and will put his partner's needs before his
own. He has a tenderness about him that drives women wild!If the Cancer guy
decides he's in it for the long haul, he'll do whatever it takes to
keep his lover happy in and out of the bedroom. Oh, and he's a BREAST man!!

She oozes sexiness and is born to mate!! Compliments and kissing will
win her over, so as you're nibbling on her ear, whisper "you're so
beautiful" to get her quivering. Perhaps the Vincent (Big Brother)
growl would work on a Cancer woman?

Concentrate on the breasts and pecs of Cancer to really get them
going.Start by kissing and brushing up against them. Licking the Cancer
female's nipple through her top will excite her, but don't 'dive right
in' coz you're likely to scare her.It's the complete opposite for the
Cancer male who will LOVE it if you get straight to the point. Squeeze
his pecs and bite his bod and you'll have him bouncing off the walls in
no time!


July 24 - August 23
Ruling Planet: THE SUN
Which isn't a planet at all, but a star, and just like Leo's opinion of
themselves, it's the centre of our solar system!
Leos can be very 'into themselves' when they bonk. It's not that they
don't make their partner feel ! special, it's just that they often
forget about them as they secretly high-five themselves for scoring
again! Leo does actually want more from a partner than just sex though.
Leo wants love and friendship too. They can be very romantic, but when
they get into bed, it's not an experience they're about to have, it's a
show! They like to perform... and they take requests!
"Doing it" is the ultimate stress buster for Leo and they are pretty
damn good at it, but they need constant praise for their outstanding

Receiving 'oral affections', since Leo is all about getting serviced!

A camera, or a game of Strip Poker will get the cat purring* or perhaps
you can use them both together!

You are the King of the Jungle and expect to be treated that way! You
are a good lover because you don't like to fail at anything. You are
sexy and have an aura of sexiness that is difficult to deny. But, you
will let anyone adore you, so your partner has to make the effort or
you will pad off to your next Lioness!!

You are elegant and sexy without even trying. Men love you and women
want to be you. You like to play cat and mouse with men and command
respect. In bed, you are a real panther and can scare the pants off
most men. You adore raw sex, so your partner should go with you and enjoy
it. You're a once in a lifetime experience!

A Leo's 'moan zone' is his or her back. First of all, ask your Leo to
roll onto his/her tummy. Start with a gentle scratch that runs from the
top of the ass to the base of the skull. I'm not talking about tender
tickles or a tantalizing tease - I mean a REAL back scratch, coz if
there's one thing cats love, it's a scratch! After a minute or so, get
out the massage oil and spill it into a snaky pattern on Leo's back.
Then rub all over. Keep doing this until you know Leo is ready to roll
over. If they start falling asleep, give them a gentle prod in a
delicate place! Once Leo is ready to roll over, don't let them! Leo
will be excited by your control. YOU decide when it's time to 'flip your
feline' over and get into the good stuff!


Ruling Planet: Mercury
The God in charge of intellect and speed* but don't worry because Virgo
likes to take their time in the sack!! Virgos have two sides to their
personality. The Virgin and the Vixen. They may want you to THINK they are
all sweet and virginal, but they are definitely NOT!However, Virgos are
looking for a long term partner, not a one night stand or an affair! They
tend to seduce with finesse, charm and subtlety so you may not even realize
you're being lured by a Virgo!! Once Virgo has been in a relationship for
awhile, they get engrossed in housework and things like that, which can
cause a serious dip in libido.
Do NOT let this happen! They are definitely more of a "can we cuddle
instead" sign that a 'let's get it on!' one when committed.

Almost anything, as long as it involves eye contact!

It's more of a game. Write down five wild sex acts and put them in a
bowl. Get Virgo to pick one out at random, and then do what you're
told!! Virgo LOVES spontaneous sexuality!

You can be quite boring at times because you have set views on how a
woman should be. You don't mean to criticize or offend, but your
perfectionist ways may drive your lover loopy! You DO have some kinky
ideas though, but it is difficult to get to the bottom of your passion!
You are a creature of habit, so if your lover can get u into the habit
of sleeping with her, who knows what might happen?

You are hardworking and careful about your appearance, but you really
do fantasize about getting down and dirty! You are a secret romantic and
crave the perfect lover. Since the perfect lover doesn't exist, you'll
take what you can get! You are quite insecure and need a partner who
will adore you. You have strong passion beneath that practical exterior
and are just waiting for someone to unearth it!

Virgo's have a VERY sexually sensitive tummy!! If you wanna make them
putty in your hands, stroke, lick and kiss their stomach!! The area
from the bellybutton DOWN! Once you have them squirming, you can have
anything you want!! Just remember to keep one hand on their tummy at
all times!!


September 24 - October 23
Ruling Planet: Venus - The planet in charge of beauty, love peace, and
stirring sensuality Libra is one of the sexiest signs in the zodiac, but if
Libra can't get what they want from one lover, they will opt for two! They
are notorious for having double standards in that situation too. They'll
look you in the eye and say "never cheat on me, coz I would never do it to
you", even when they have a hot night of passion planned with someone else!
Librans are more turned on 'giving' than 'receiving'. They have a big heart
and are the least selfish sign of the Zodiac. Libras are not very open
about their thoughts or fantasies. They'd rather say nothing than tell the
truth and offend or embarrass you. In bed, it takes a while
for them to be comfortable enough to tell you exactly what they want.

As long as they are lying down, they're happy!

K.Y. Jelly. I will say no more!

The Libra man sees sex as an exciting adventure and he'd be very keen
to do it in kinky places like a restaurant toilet! He likes being a bad
boy if there's a chance he might get caught. He'll try out any fantasy you
have, but whether or not you can keep a tight hold on his heart remains
to be seen. However, he can be a bit of a pushover, and is perfect
husband material, and he'd prefer his lover to take the lead. He is
romantic and considerate but may suffer from Premature Ejaculation!

The only thing that separates Libra men and women is what's between
their legs! Libra girl wants a strong man who understands that she needs her individuality and freedom. She is turned off by burping, farting, and bad breath. Good personal hygiene is crucial if you want to get to 2nd base.Librans are very good at lying to get their own way.
When your Libra girl groans in bed, look into her eyes to make sure she's not 'faking it'.

Libra's Love Zone is their lower back and butt, so please, squeeze and
pat your Libra's butt whenever you get a chance. When you're kissing,
reach under his or her top and stroke the lower part of their back,
starting in the middle and working your way down to their butt. Take
your time and be gentle! To really drive your Libra wild? Have you ever
heard of the term 'Rimming'???Does it surprise you that a high
percentage of Libras are gay?


October 24 - November 22
Ruling Planet: PLUTO, The Roman God of the dead, beginnings and
endings. Which basically means that Scorpios add novel differences to any
relationship. Scorpios are very possessive. They will tense up if you even LOOK at another hottie across the room. But they can be relied on to always be there for you if you need them.
You may never really know what your Scorpio is thinking though, because to them, Knowledge is power and
they are very good at putting on a straight face to cover up any emotion they are feeling.Scorpios love sex. The dirtier, the better. Get them excited by revealing your filthiest fantasy and offering to act it out.

Anything, as long as it involves dominating your ass.

Ben Wah Balls for the girls, and a Riding Crop for the boys

His sexuality is so strong, it will make you dizzy!! If you are lucky
enough to be with a Scorpio boy,you will always be satisfied!! There's
a rumour that the Scorpio man is the most skilled in bed. It's as true as
a black man has a giant wang!!! NOT!! Most are pretty good though!! The only thing
you don't wanna do is piss him off. Every little thing u do that he
doesn't like, he will file away in his little mental rolodex. Piss him
off one too many times, and he will wreak his revenge!!!

She may look like a quiet, shy girl, but in bed she is NOT! She is a
wildly passionate woman, who is DYNAMO in the bedroom.Just don't piss her off either, coz she can be more vengeful than a Scorpio man, and she has no problem causing a scene! Don't talk about other women, or play hard to get, because she will get u back, and it's a game of one-upmanship you will never win.

Since this is one of the horniest signs, it makes sense that their moan zone is between their legs! Then again, their big head (or their mind) is just as easy to turn on. Talking dirty and teasing your Scorpio will get them ready and randy in a flash!! Without getting too graphic, the magic words for today are RUB, RUB, RUB.


November 23 - December 22
Ruling Planet: JUPITER, God of money, luck and good times between the

Sagos are playful, laid back and oh-so fun to party with. They are
wild, and may be the BADDEST party people you ever meet! One thing to be
wary of is that Sagos like to talk BULLSHIT! Don't believe everything they
tell you because they are kings at 'talking it up'.Sagos probably make
better friends than lovers, but if you happen to score a one-nighter
with them,be prepared to do stuff you've NEVER done before!Sagos are
spontaneous and adventurous and most have probably been caught doing it
somewhere public. When they find the right lover, they will give it
100% as long as the commitment is returned.

They are up for anything. Quality AND Quantity.

Handwrite a sexual fantasy of yours and leave it on their pillow.
You'll be surprised at what happens next!

Even if he's fat, balding and middle aged, he can still pull the
chicks. It's his love and pursuit of happiness that draws the babes to him.
Think "Austin Powers" baby, yeah! He is a wee bit selfish though, so be
prepared for an "all about me" attitude in the sack. He LOVES doing it,
and if you start holding out on him, he's likely to get it somewhere
else.He will either amaze his partner with his sexual expertise or be
absolute trash in bed!

The Sago woman is a handful! She changes her mind more often than she
shaves her armpits, is blunt, oversensitive and takes offense at the
strangest things. She's adventurous in the bedroom and also has no
problems cheating if her needs are not fulfilled. But can u handle her
open-minded sexuality?She will hide her emotions from you, but don't
make the mistake of hiding yours from her. She's looking for someone
she can trust 100%, but is quite hypocritical since she can be very
untrustworthy herself.

Hips and thighs are extremely sensual for a Sago, so concentrate on
massaging and stroking that area and the place in between! Don't be
afraid to ask your Sago if you're doing it right coz they would LOVE to
tell you! The best way to get them going is to grope their inner thigh
in a public place!


December 23 - January 20
Ruling Planet: SATURN - The God who oversees time, discipline and
dedication, which means Capricorn can go the distance - with major
staying power - in bed and beyond!! Capricorns are very good at hiding
their emotions, so it's often hard to tell when they are truly, deeply in
love. If you have a load of cash, you can almost bet on admiration from a
Capricorn because the goat is turned on by money. Like I said before,
Capricorn has great sexual stamina and the ability to go all night if they
want to!

Spooning! Goat boys and girls love to take, or be taken from behind.

An office desk to "bond" on, or an erotic video will loosen up the
randy goat.

Imagination isn't a strong suit for Capricorn so don't expect
acrobatics in the sack. Sex with him could possibly be as boring as
watching paint dry and he tends to be a little bit selfish in that area
too.BUT you can definitely count on him to be faithful if he has committed
to you.

She is strong and confident and likes to run the show! She's a tough
nut to crack but once inside her shell, she's as sweet as caramel. Her fave
position may be missionary, but she seeks excitement in new locations, so
experiment with different venues to keep it interesting.

Capricorns are the most anal signs of the zodiac, so buttering them up
will take a bit of effort. Believe it or not, their erotic area is the
knees! Lightly stroke their legs, paying close attention to the knee
region. Licking, kissing, and nibbling the area will get them squirming.

Elvish Names

The Elvish Name Generator:

Elvish Name Translations:

The Hobbit Name Generator:

Enjoy! :)

Friday, April 21, 2006


(Extreme Puzzle Gaming.)

(Cool Click Puzzle Game.)


Addicting Games:


(Via Rob!) :)

PC World: Top Products of 2005

The 100 Best Products of 2005
(Go to the article for the links.)

All Products Listed by Ranking

1. Mozilla Firefox Web Browser
2. Google Gmail Web Mail
3. Apple Mac OS X Version 10.4 (Tiger) Operating System
4. Belkin Wireless Pre-N Router and Notebook Network Card Wireless Networking
5. Dell Ultrasharp 2405FPW 24-Inch Wide-Screen LCD
6. Alienware Aurora 5500 Performance PC
7. Seagate USB 2.0 Pocket Drive Portable Hard Drive
8. Skype VoIP Service
9. Canon EOS Digital Rebel XT Digital SLR Camera
10. PalmOne Treo 650 PDA Phone
11. Zone Labs ZoneAlarm Antivirus Antivirus and Firewall Software
12. Mysoft Technology Maxthon Browser Plug-In
13. Rio Carbon Midcapacity MP3 Player
14. Webroot Window Washer 5.5 Utility
15. Maxtor H01R300 Shared Storage Drive Network Hard Drive
16. Google Search Engine
17. Netgear 54 Mbps Cable/DSL Wireless Travel Router Model WGR101 Travel Router
18. OnlyMyEmail Pro Spam Filter
19. Sony PlayStation Portable Handheld Gaming Device
20. NVidia GeForce 6600 GT Graphics Board
21. APC Back-UPS RS 800VA 120V Uninterruptible Power Supply
22. 2BrightSparks SyncBackSE Utility
23. Moon Software Password Agent Password Manager
24. HP Officejet 7210 All-in-One Multifunction Printer
25. Winternals Software ERD Commander Data Recovery Software
26. Ubuntu Linux 5.04 Linux Distribution
27. Epson PictureMate Photo Printer
28. Mozilla Thunderbird E-Mail Program
29. Cloudmark Anti-Fraud Toolbar Browser Security Plug-In
30. Vonage VoIP Service
31. Cloudmark SafetyBar Spam Filter
32. Adobe Photoshop CS2 Image Editor
33. The New York Times on the Web Web Site
34. Apple ITunes Media Player
35. Seagate USB/FireWire Hard Drive External Hard Drive
36. Canon CanoScan 9950F Scanner
37. IRiver IFP-895 Flash-Based MP3 Player
38. Valve Half-Life 2 PC Game
39. Samsung HL-P5063W Rear-Projection TV
40. Tor Privacy Software
41. LG Flatron L1981Q 19-Inch LCD
42. Dell 3000cn Color Laser Printer
43. BlackBerry 7100t PDA Phone
44. Verbatim Store 'n' Go Pro USB Memory Key
45. Seagate Barracuda 7200.8 SATA NCQ Internal Hard Drive
46. Compaq Presario V2000 All-Purpose Notebook
47. Microsoft Windows Media Player 10 Media Player
48. Canon Pixma IP4000R Inkjet/Photo Printer
49. Best Software Simply Accounting Accounting and Personal Finance
50. Orb Media Streaming Service
51. Photography Site
52. Dell Inspiron 6000 Desktop Replacement Notebook
53. DirecTV HD DVR HR10-250 HD Receiver and DVR
54. ACD Systems ACDSee 7 Photo Organizer
55. Dell UltraSharp 1704FPV 17-Inch LCD
56. Olympus C-8080 Wide Zoom Digital Camera
57. Qnext Instant Messenger
58. IBM ThinkCentre A51p All-Purpose PC
59. SightSpeed Video Instant Messenger
60. Wikipedia Online Resource
61. Cerulean Studios Trillian 3.1 Instant Messenger
62. CMS 80GB USB 2.0 ABSplus Notebook Backup System Portable Hard Drive
63. Nikon Coolpix 7900 Digital Camera
64. Contour Design RollerMouse Pro Mouse
65. Adobe InDesign CS2 Desktop Publisher
66. Shuttle Computer XPC i8600b Small PC
67. IBM ThinkPad X41 Ultraportable Notebook
68. Adobe Premiere Elements Video Editor
69. Dell Axim X30 PDA
70. Search Engine
71. Toshiba RS-TX20 Digital Media Server DVD Recorder
72. Roxio Easy Media Creator 7.5 Burning Software
73. Plextor PX-716UF Rewritable DVD Drive
74. Casio Exilim EX-Z750 Digital Camera
75. Apple Mac Mini Small PC
76. Google Desktop Search Desktop Search Tool
77. Mitsubishi LT-3050 30-Inch LCD TV
78. Apple IPod Photo Large-Capacity MP3 Player
79. Dell 3300MP Projector
80. FileMaker Pro 7 Database
81. Sunbelt Software CounterSpy Anti-Spyware Software
82. Six Apart TypePad Blogging Tool
83. Acronis True Image 8 Backup Software
84. Asus A8N-SLI Deluxe Motherboard
85. Brother HL-5140 Monochrome Laser Printer
86. Apple ITunes Music Store Music Downloads
87. Internet Archive ( Web Site
88. Opera 8 Web Browser
89. Copernic Desktop Search Desktop Search Software
90. Motorola Razr V3 Cell Phone
91. Delphi MyFi Satellite Radio
92. PDAapps VeriChat Standard Edition Mobile Instant Messaging
93. Sonos Digital Music System Streaming Media Device
94. EMC Dantz Retrospect Professional 7 Backup Software
95. Garmin StreetPilot C330 GPS Navigation Device
96. Klipsch ProMedia Ultra 2.0 Portable Speakers
97. Logitech Z-5500 Digital PC Speaker System
98. Antec P160 Desktop Case
99. Corel Painter IX Paint Program
100. Citrix Online GoToMyPC Personal Remote Access

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

JHU Computational Neurosci Lab: Internet Experiments
(Need Internet Explorer)

Experiments =
"Change Blindness" - like "Where's Waldo?"
"Image Cropping" - viewing scenes; compare yourself to other participants

Thursday, April 06, 2006

What is Love?

What is Love?

A video from a friend o' mine:
What is Love

For definitions, see:
Nerdic Noise: What is Love?

Genetic Journey: Genographic
Your DNA sample, which leads you to a far-away ancestor. Hrm...

Friday, March 31, 2006

Games Via Langjai

While perusing Rob's journal, I found his review of these games:

Bubble Box: XRaye
Turn pegs yellow?

Good Night Mr Snoozelberg
One of those find hot spots to click to make sure the sleeping guy doesn't wake up kind of games. In other words, cool puzzle game.

Cool gameplay.

Flow In Games
Nice graphics and gameplay.

Cursor Hunter
I like the concept and fast paced action.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Face Recognition: MyHeritage / FaceAnalyzer

MyHeritage Face Recognition

According to this site, I matched Lucy Liu by 72%. It shows you guys, girls, Caucasians, Asians, etc. Not too shabby. Kinda reminds me of as well. My most recent FaceAnalyzer page depicts me as a 100% White Collar Faye Wong lookalike. W00t! :)

YouSendIt: Send Files Up To 1Gb!

YouSendIt: The Leader in File Delivery.

Send files via email -- up to 1Gb! :)

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Blogger Templates

A whole lot more blogger templates, as recommended by Akshay:

The Google Search: [blogger templates]
Blog tutorial that shows how to work with blog templates and add your own design elements. Includes links to blog resource sites.

Enjoy! :)

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Peekaboom: Not just wasting your time...

Peekaboom: Not just wasting your time...

(From Rob. Apparently, it's like Yahoo!Graffiti, but easier. Win, Lose, or Draw!)

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Geeks in Love / Lemon Demon / Too Much Spare Time

Geeks in Love:


Courtesy of Lemon Demon and Too Much Spare Time Animations.

Also check out "White Bread Boyfriend" on Lemon Demon's Livejournal.

hehe My sister's got most excellent taste. :)

PT Personality Type Correlations

For those of us who like labeling:

From a person on MySpace. :)

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Asian! Wong Fu and Back Dorm Boys

The answer to an age-old question:
"Why do all the white guys get the Asian girls?
Wong Fu Productions:
Yellow Fever
Wong Fu Productions @ UCSD

The Back Dormitory Boys:
I Wanted It That Way...
As Long As You Love Me...
Get Down...

....hahaha You've gotta love the lip contortions and soulful puppy-dog woeful looks. And I'm really curious about that kid on the computer in the background. ;)